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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Dead Links and Stuff


Firstly many thanks for stopping by my blog, whether you got here by a search for one of the many fine bands mentioned here or you are a regular visitor I thank you one and the same. Come one , come all as they say.  2013 is going to be a slow year... busy with life and the sh**e it throws at you and all that

No doubt as you are aware the music plod are trying to catch up with all this internet malarky, something they should have done 15 years ago im sure but hey... .that's not our look out is it. All of which means (cutting to the chase) is that links to saved music get deleted.

I know you buy the tunes, i buy the tunes, we all buy the tunes.... as the pre mentioned plod have no idea how all this works they do what they do, shout loudest without any thought and hey presto... the fun stops. I know for a fact without blogs like this i wouldn't have been in my local record store buying an old comet gain  record at the weekend , "the gettin' ready EP" if you are interested by the way.

All that really means if the link is still up enjoy the music, support the bands and BUY MUSIC , specifically from your local independent retailer !!

il still be writing random stuff here when i get chance, 

Keep the faith! 

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