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Saturday, 1 October 2011

Mercury Rev - Yerself Is Steam

Chasing a Bee
Syringe Mouth
Coney Island Cyclone
Black and Blue
Sweet Odyssey of a Cancer Cell T' Th' Center of Yr Heart
Continuous Trucks and Thunder Under a Mothers Smile
Very Sleepy Rivers
Car Wash Hair

I saw Mercury Rev support Ride in Portsmouth, i was a bit narked off actually as the band were splitting support dates with Verve who i really wanted to see... i shouldn't have been annoyed as Mercury Rev were fantastic , they next played in 1993 at the Wedgewood Rooms,  i was going to the loo in the venue before the show, the band were sat in the foyer 2 minutes before they were due onstage, the singer at the time David Baker was saying to the rest of the band....."i wanna play the one that goes dum de dum dah!" as they wrote the set list....proper mental... they blew the place apart playing most of this album including a 20 minute long version of very sleepy rivers.... cool a f*ck 

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